Thursday, November 21, 2013

Things I Was Not Aware That Cats Could Do (Part 1)

This is the Dipster (Serendipity, the "baby" Maine Coon) sitting up on her butt, watching The Bird Show on the Really Big Screen TV. Cats can sit up on their butts? She looks like a miniature kangaroo. When did they learn to do this?

It must be pointed out that Bear has not been around large numbers of cats, since Warren G. Harding was president, which is to say he has never been around large numbers of cats. So when a cat does something everyone else knows they do, Bear is speechless. Cats drink out the the toilet? Really? Holy ####! When did this start?

In days to come we will explore the wild world of things Bear did not know cats could do. You may laugh at Bear all you like.

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Thank you for your insightful comments about stupid cats.