Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Mile-High Paper-Towel Falls
(Photo courtesy of the U.S. National Park Service)
Sometimes you come home and you have a pretty good idea what happened while you were gone.

And a pretty good idea of who did it.

You laugh and shake your head for a moment, reflect on the wonderful humor of everyday life...

...then you pick up the ####ing paper towels that those ##########ing little #######s unrolled all over the ########ing floor and curse those #### rotten ####### #####ing ### #####s and hope they all #####ing #### ######### in ####.

When finished, you wipe the countertops with the big wad of torn-up dirty hair-covered paper towels, throw them out, take a double dose of your medication, and lie down.

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Thank you for your insightful comments about stupid cats.